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Epiphany Musical Festival Opens in Moscow

09 January, 2014

The first night of the season - The Queen of Spades by Pyotr Tchaikovsky staged by Yury Alexandrov – will open Epiphany Festival in Moscow at New Opera theatre.

The traditional winter project of Moscow theatre New Opera named after Kolobov will be presented on the main stage and in the foyer of Mirrors.

This year the festival has changed its name, the event has become more compact while retaining the basic ideas and dramatic themes.
According to the initiators of the project the theme of Epiphany Festival 2014 - "The great literary plots in music" – is associated with the 450-th anniversary of William Shakespeare. To the great poet and playwright the symphony evening and concert performance of Charles Gounod Romeo and Juliet opera is dedicated.

The works by Homer, Pierre Beaumarchais, Friedrich Schiller, Alexander Pushkin, Mikhail Lermontov, Alexey Tolstoy, Oscar Wilde arer also providing inspiration for the organizers and participants of the festival.

In the days of the festival the opera Mary Stuart by Gaetano Donizetti and Demon by Anton Rubinstein will be performed.

By the way, the New Opera for the first time will present Mary Stuart in author’s edition.

It is presumed that one more work in concert version - Salome by Richard Strauss based on Wilde drama – will make its way to the New Opera playbill in the near future.

On January 12 concert of choral music Reverse Perspective will take place. Its programme features the works by Sergey Rachmaninoff, Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov and Sergey Taneyev.

At the symphony concert dedicated to the 450-th anniversary of Shakespeare, on January 18, the creations of Felix Mendelssohn and William Walton will be performed with the main conductor of the theatre Jan Latham-Koenig conducting.

Musical pieces will be accompanied by excerpts from the Shakespeare works performed by drama actor.
For the first time in the history of Epiphany festival one of its evenings will take place in the foyer of Mirrors.
The theatrical concert "Musical Literature" that will take place on January 13 and feature the pieces put down on the basis of a various literary origins, from Bible to fairy tales.

On January 24 the final gala concert will be held.